While I’m waiting download “soul saver”
game which is will end at next 9 hours (smartfren gw LEMOT gila) I would like
to review some product from Etude House. It called Skin Malgem, Skin Malgem
have 5 different toner and 1 emulsion. The toner was, fresh(minho),
moist(junghyun), deep moist(key), essential(taemin), and smoother(onew) which
is I have. I love, love, love minho but I didn’t pick the fresh one coz of my
skin condition that have a lot of acne scar so I thought the smoother which
have an exfoliate thing would be better solution. I do buy the emulsion, it’s
all in one product which is contain essence+cream+moisturizer in one bottle. If
u buy that all thing, u would need a lot of money so I guess buy skin malgem
emulsion be a better way to saving the money… hahaha…
So let’s start…
First of all is Skin Malgem smoother, I use
this product about 2 months already. Smoother said: it contains fruit acids in
green grapes, exfoliate keratin on a skin clearly for keeping smooth and soft
skin. Itukan katanya yak, kt yg pnya merk. Hasilnya???
1. Exfoliate dead skin = yes, setiap abis make
pake ini dgn kapas, keliatan hasilnya si kapas langsung penuh dengan entah itu
debu apa dead skin yah hahaha… tp bekas jerawat mulai menghilang sedikit demi
sedikit… muka jd bersih bgt…
= tentu saja, secara d exfoliate tiap hari gitu masa ga cerah2 seh kulitnya.
and soft skin = meski agak lengket2 awalnya, tapi iya seh jd halus.
4. Smells sooo good… haaaaaaaa…
Repurchase = tentu saja, ini harus kudu
punya selalu.
skrg tinggal Skin Malgem Emulsion, I’ve been use this about a month. It says: skin
malgem emulsion is a 3-in-1 skin care product, a moisturizer, essence, and
cream all in one. Its hypoallergenic formula provides a clear and pure
complexion. Coz of the thinner consistency to other moisturizer, it’s able to
penetrate deeper for a longer and more effective hydration. Its pore
controlling properties will minimize pores, creating a clean complexion. Dan hasilnya
padaku adalah?
Tidak membuat
kantong bolong karena it’s cheap all in one product… hahaha…
quite a big bottle, 200ml. expired by a year. Gw bhkan ga tw bs abis dlm waktu
setahun apa ga, soalnya bnyk bgt isinya dan makenya cm dikit. Dikit bgt, apply an
appropriate amount all over face. Karena takut ga bklan
abis dlm setahun akhirnya gw pakein buat leher sama tangan jg. Sebagai pengganti
hand cream. Karena telat tw kalo hand cream itu penting.
The smell is sooo damn goooodddd… I love the smell….
It’s sticky
5. It’s make me breakout anyway, maybe too
rich for my skin type or what? I had no idea. But I have some zit, and big zit
around my mouth. And it’s not pleasant at all.
Repurchase = nope, kyknya lbh baik beli
essence skin food or tonymoly aja ketimbang ini.
oiya, i just use all of it at night. for me, it's just too sticky to use at a day or before i put a make up.
#inggrisnyaKacauBalauKarenaSedangGalau(membelaDiri)... annyeong... [^,^]