Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Travianer Girl ( ˘ з˘ )~♥

 Sebagai seorang gamers rasanya krg nampol klo ga posting ttg game ya kan? ya kan? Ya kan?… gw mulai main game dr SMP, mainnya game offline d computer… krn KK gw maniak game, jd bukan hal yg aneh klo nurun ke adiknya… game offline yg biasa gw maenin tu age of empires, age of mythology, the sims, GTA 4&5 (fav), beach life, any tycoon game, dash game, prince of qin (I miss this game), dan msh bnyak lagi yang tdk bisa diingat pemirsah…

Now, I gonna write about game online yg sering gw maenin namanya TRAVIAN… sering ada iklannya kok dmn2… u may see it but don’t realize it?... gw udh maen kurang lebih 4th dgn berbagai macam lika liku seperti pensiun setaun lalu main lagi dll… TRAVIAN adalah salah satu permainan browser terpopuler di dunia. Sebagai pemain TRAVIAN, kmu dapat membangun kerajaan sendiri, merekrut tentara dan berjuang bersama- sama aliansi. Ada 3 suku yang bisa kalian pilih sesuai dengan kepribadian dan waktu luang masing2… misalnya kalo yg typenya agresif dan punya waktu luang yg buanyak alias pengangguran bisa pake suku Teuton, kalo yg intermediate dan waktu luangnya biasa ajah bs pake Romawi, nah klo yg kalem2 dan waktu luangnya sempit alias sibuk bs pake Galia…

Skrg gw ksh tw kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2 suku… ini menurut gw lho yah… menurut gw… so klo ad yg salah2 or error u may coment…
menurut gw, kalo pke suku Teuton itu enaknya cost untuk bikin pasukannya murah dan cepet… jadi bagi kalian yg berjiwa agresif, suka perang dan bkin rusuh. Agaknya suku yang satu ini bs jd pilihan, selain itu teuton bs ngerampok sepertiga dr cranny yg udh di bangun… tapi yang ga enk adalah perlindungannya rendah… so, merampoklah sesuka hati tapi jangan biarkan dirimu di rampok yah… berabe soalnya klo udh jd lahan raid… huhuhu…

Suku Romawi adalah suku yang paling stabil, gw pemain romawi… selalu pke romawi… secara gw tu maennya sims city… hahaha… I like to build and defend people, tapi ga segan untuk nyerang ketika dy macem2 sm gw… keunggulan dr suku Romawi adalah upgradenya cepet, bs upgrade 2x soalnya… bangunan dan SDA… cocok untuk yg sims city… populasi banyak tapi sometimes ga ad pasukan… hahaha… tapi kdng pemain lain takut kalo populasinya gede, coz mrk pikir bnyak pasukannya, pdhl enggak jg… hahaha… another thing that’s good adalah pertahannya kuat… upgrade ajah pagernya, jd kalo ad yg nyerang tanpa kt lawan pun si penyerang udh mati kesandung pager… hahaha… #lebay. Kekurangannya adalah ongkos bikin pasukannya muahal… hadeh… jd kdng gw hrus nunggu ampe full upgrade SDA smua bru bkin pasukan… biar ga nyicil2, males klo maen utangan… #apaseh

Suku yang terakhir adalah Galia… ini suku yg paling aman menurut gw… karena mrka bs bkin perangkap… jd Teuton pun kadang males buat nyolek2… udh gtu kapasitas crannynya gede sampe 2000/cranny (cranny: tempat buat nyimpen SDA spy ga bs d rampok) kt cman butuh 3 cranny buat sembunyiin 4000SDA d gudang n lumbung… lumayan untuk awal permainan krn sdh pasti s Teuton ga bkal bs bw plg apa2 kecuali capek doank… selain itu Galia pertahanannya kuat, mereka mkg emg d buat untuk def x yah… tapi banyak jg kok yg jd attacker… tapi biasanya gw pake galia hanya untuk deff… oiya, hati2 untuk yg bkin perangkap… coz klo ad yg ketangkep, biasanya pemain besar bw pasukan lbh besar gy jumlahnya buat bebasin pasukan yang sdh ketangkep… xixixi… mengerikan…

Yg terbaru dr TRAVIAN, sebenernya ga baru2 amat seh… sdh dr akhir taun 2012, heronya ada 2 jenis, laki-laki dan perempuan… Finally?!!… sbnr na udh gw tunggu2 dr kpan tw, slama ini maen pke Hero cowo mulu, sdngkan gw sndri cewe… jd pengennya Heronya cewe jg donk… nah, ini hero cewenya… hehehe… cantik kan? 

Kalian bs bkin sesuai dengan keinginan… mulai dr wrn rambut, bntuk muka, dll… coba d travian bs pcran jg yah antar Heronya… hahaha… I can't imagine… eh iya, ati2 d travian jg banyak laki2 yg nyaru jd perempuan, mkg hati kecilnya pengen jd perempuan tp ga kesampean x yah... hahaha... #kidding

okeh sekian info gamenya dech... kalo mw ikutan maen, klik link d bwh ini yah... happy playing... ^_^ see u there... 

Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Platinum Grape Cell Essential BB Cream SPF45 PA+++

          I never expected that skin food have a great BBcream since I always watch the SkinFood CF and it’s all about the skincare product (no make up CF), so that’s why I think skinfood only focus on skincare product and beside that I only read good review about Mushroom BB cream,,, but not the other…

          Yesterday I’ve got a skincare package which is omija line and Platinum Grape Cell line… the Platinum Grape Cell was included the BBcream… I’m using the BBcream this morning and amaze with the result… the BBcream wasn’t sticky like missha perfect cover, its more watery… make it easier to smooth over my face… when the first time I apply it, my face was like a corpse (putih kyk mayat) and grayish… its take more time to blend with my skin tone… after a couple minutes… it’s starting to blend… and WALLLAAA… my pore was cover up, my acne scar also disappear… it’s have better cover than  my Missha… after a few hours in the sun, I get sweat a lot… my face still flawless, and then I get a nap… when I wake up, it’s still flawless… and I get shower… it’s still flawless… I hate mirror,,, but this time I can’t stop seeing my face on it… hahaha… GOD please…

          The bad thing is, I just have a sachet… and it’s very expensive to buy in full size… DAMN IT… 

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Skin Food Ancient Rice Travel set

30 jan 13
Actually I don’t want to buy a sample, I want to buy a full emulsion but I’m confused which I have to buy? The ancient rice from skin food or floria whitening emulsion from tony moly. Coz both of them have a good review so far…

But I didn’t find any floria whitening sample, I just find the ancient rice. So I have no choice,.. hahaha… I bought this sample about Rp.25.000,- 5ml each... I do buy floria nutra energy emulsion along with the ancient rice. It cost R. 15.000,- also 5ml. I’ll review the floria later… i got a platinum grape cell cream sample as a bonus... xixixi... so great...

Okey, now is about the ancient rice… this product claim as a whitening and anti aging... the toner look oily, and my mom ask “ ini minyak buat apa?” hahaha… it’s smell good…  but I can’t describe how is it… it's watery toner... the emulsion smell's like rice i thing... and very thick...

The toner look oily, it contain essential oil, if u can see there is a tin layer of oil and I think that was the essential oil… so u have to shake it first to make it blend… I’m just using couple drop of this toner on my palm them pat it to my face… the first thing that I feel about this toner is kinda hot feeling, maybe the essential oil not really fit my skin… but its okay, it would disappear soon after absorb into the skin…

The emulsion is thick just like my night cream… it’s so hard to pull it out… I need an extra energy to make it out of the bottle… maybe it’s because the sample bottle was very small… anyway, since I have oily and acne prone skin so I just use a little bit of this emulsion just a bit for my entire face and neck… it’s sticky at the first time and need a little longer to absorb before u put other skincare product…

When i wake up in the morning, hmmm... i don't really see much difference, i mean the brightening effect like people said... maybe it's because my face already pale... hahaha... but there's no zit...

9 feb 13
So it’s been 11 days I use this sample, it’s empty half… I use it only for skincare routine at night so it’s really skimpy… honestly, like I said before I didn’t see any brightening effect… since my skin already pale so I didn’t see any brightening effect, but I notice that my acne scar fading gradually… 

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Thankz to someone... my graduation...

I would like to say THANKS to u “nyo”… maybe u would not read, but do you know the book that I bought with u when we still be a couples… I use that book to write my thesis, and now I’m graduate… THANKS… thanks to take me to gramedia matraman…

Today I see u @ campus and I know that u would be fine without me. Well, I hope u’ll graduate soon… I kinda miss u, but I know that I should not miss u anymore… we’re not a couples not even being a friend… and I still thinking that was the best for us…

Don’t be afraid… I’m gonna pray for your graduation… I’m sorry that I being so rude… I pretend that I didn’t know u… but, that’s all I can do… I can’t pretend to my self that I’m fine when I see u… so pretend that we had not know each other is the best way… at least I can fool my brain… and my heart…

Anyway,,, I start to tears right now… hahaha… so I just want to finish it… Thanks for everything “Nyo”… everything that u did for me when we are a couples… Whether good or bad things,.. i would let that be a history...