Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Platinum Grape Cell Essential BB Cream SPF45 PA+++

          I never expected that skin food have a great BBcream since I always watch the SkinFood CF and it’s all about the skincare product (no make up CF), so that’s why I think skinfood only focus on skincare product and beside that I only read good review about Mushroom BB cream,,, but not the other…

          Yesterday I’ve got a skincare package which is omija line and Platinum Grape Cell line… the Platinum Grape Cell was included the BBcream… I’m using the BBcream this morning and amaze with the result… the BBcream wasn’t sticky like missha perfect cover, its more watery… make it easier to smooth over my face… when the first time I apply it, my face was like a corpse (putih kyk mayat) and grayish… its take more time to blend with my skin tone… after a couple minutes… it’s starting to blend… and WALLLAAA… my pore was cover up, my acne scar also disappear… it’s have better cover than  my Missha… after a few hours in the sun, I get sweat a lot… my face still flawless, and then I get a nap… when I wake up, it’s still flawless… and I get shower… it’s still flawless… I hate mirror,,, but this time I can’t stop seeing my face on it… hahaha… GOD please…

          The bad thing is, I just have a sachet… and it’s very expensive to buy in full size… DAMN IT… 

2 komentar:

Nyonya Black mengatakan...

anda lebay...

Kichi_Onna mengatakan...

coba ajah... baru tw rasanya...