Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

What is 2012 for me?!!

          2012 is a calm year for me… there’s also sad thing happened but not as sad as when it’s 2010 or 2011… there’s no broke up moment, so I don’t have to cry this year… that’s a good thing… hahaha…

          I kinda a lot posting in my blog than my facebook or twiter… it’s much better way to share what you thinking, while I had no idea if it’s useful or not for anyone who read it… xixixi...

          this year I've been thinking a lot for my self, about everything that's good or bad to me. thinking about anything that I really want for my self, which is what I wanna be?, what kind of man that I really want to share my life? What product that’s great for me what’s not? This year is about me…

          Dari tomboy, cuek, ga jelas… a lot improvement for my self actually… I mean my skin… yg dulunya ga pernah peduli sama yg namanya penampilan, skrg yaaa… sedikit peduli… I use just a little make up, such as BB cream and eyeliner, lip tint is a must if I go out… taon yg dlu2 palingan pake foundation yg lsg kebawa angin klo keringetan, alias ilang… ahahaha… yang tdnya kusem skrg eeehhhmmm ga begitu kusem… akakaka… ga deng… I take care a lot of my skin,,, it’s glowing as it’s supposed to be… I LOVE IT…

          About the style, I’m a fashion designer but I don’t really care about the clothes that I use… wakakak… but now I’m little bit feminine than year’s before. Sebelumnya pake t-shirt gedombrongan, warisan kakak yg semuanya cowo. So ya kaos cowo yg nurun ke gw… celananya jg… and also the shoes, jd dr atas ke bwh gedombrongan… it’s actually not look good on me because my body was very thin, and all that clothes makes me like… eehhhmmm… I can’t imagine now… hahaha… pernah suatu hari nana tmen kampus gw blg, gw kyk Michael Jackson… why? Karena gw pake kaos kaki waktu make sepatu cewe… dan kaos kakinya warna-warni… ahahaha… pada saat itu gw cman mikir ga mw kaki gw belang… I not yet know sun block and benefit of it, but now I use it every time I go out…

          while i use oversized pants years ago, now I have my skinny jeans who fit my leg and looking great with my girls t-shirt... not boy t-shirt anymore(kecuali di rmh)…

          I’m blessed that I’ve surrounded with a great people, great friends… nice friends… thank’s to leni, neya, anoe, lianda, tisa, vira, tya, laila, dinar, lulu, ipuk, eva, dll… It’s my honour to be your friend’s…

          I have such a wonderful parents and brothers, my mom was a supherb(most super) great mom… I learn a lot from her… teach me what should I do, what should not, including about the boy thing… it’s make me more grown up, it’s make me more fast to healing from my last broke up… she’s teach me kalo cowo udah cuek, lepasin ajah… and make me strong to through it… that’s the reason of the last broke up… hehehe…

          So, next year which is 2013… it’s gonna about me… my final exam at university… I really really want to walk out from that university, my brother should not worry anymore because my IPK have reach 3,5 it’s not included “skripsi” so it will be more… I just have to study more about the toefl… I must reach 500 score… so I can get my dream job… if I get a job then it will be for my family improvement, I want to renovate my home… so I can take anyone to my home… xixixi… and the last but not last I’m hoping that I really find someone that meant for me… not just someone pass by… he doesn’t have to be great looking like kyuhyun or changmin or rich man… just someone who really loves me and my family… yg bs nerima kekurangan dan kelebihan… ga minder like those before… I don’t have something yg harus di minderin… anggep aja bonus klo emg ada yg lebih… tapi lebih apanya jg yah… I don’t know… hahaha…

          I hope everything going well next year… more lucky…. More mature… more pretty… more glowing… and more… more a good thing happened… amiend… and also I pray a lot of good thing happened for you who read it as well… 


hopefully u got everything u want next year… ^^,,,

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Ayudya Mandi Susu

Before my body scrub run out, I want to review about this product. This December I’ve use "Ayudya Mandi susu" it cost about Rp. 11.000,- for 300gr. I use it every 3 day’s to substitute my shower cream. it Contains pure milk, olive oil, vitamin C & E, herbal oils and other natural ingredients. It smell like a milk but kinda like a papaya smell as well… I really confused about the smell… I don’t know for sure… hahaha…

so this is how it's look like...
I'm sorry it wasn't my original pict, i forget to take a picture of it... xixixi... but it look like this with a smaller package...

I use it when I got shower. So it’s really just like usual bath, just wet your body and take a little bit of the "Ayudya Mandi Susu" on your palm and start scrubbing to all over your body. scrub until it dry by it self then rinse off. after that u may finish your bath or mask your body with a body mask (i do)...

After use it, my skin feel really smooth and clean. is it moisturized? well I'm not really sure, coz I still have to use my body lotion after all. I've used ayudya a lot, it's been a long time. I like the scrub, its small and doesn't irritate my skin. even if I use it when my skin still dry. and the most important thing is it's cheap, it's really friendly with my student pocket... xixixi...

so next month, which is next year also. I will try Ayudya Avocado+Vit E oil... I just bought it yesterday... it has a same cost and same size... (^^)...

Keju Encritttttt………………………….(kisah laila)

Kisah nyata gw di awal bulan desember 2012. Gw mau ambil foto wisudaan di baak. Gw ambil foto bareng sama temen gw namanya Suci (dipanggil Uci). Gw sama uci janjian, pagi jam 09.00 WIB sengaja supaya engga ngantri dan ga mau lama-lama juga di kampus. Gw sma uci nyampe baak jam 9 lewat. Ternyata pengambilan foto belum di buka. Padahal dikuponnya ada tulisan “PENGAMBILAN FOTO DIAMBIL PUKUL 09.00 SAMPE PUKUL 16.00 WIB”.

Udh jam 10 blm buka juga, terpaksalah gw nanya sama bapak-bapak yang jaga di loket baak fakultas apa gitu gw lupa (inget kata-kata gw ada tulisan TERPAKSA GW NANYA). Gw sama uci nanya baik-baik ke bapak-bapak itu. Akhirnya terjadilah percakapan antara gw, temen gw (Uci) dan bapak-bapak,,,,,

Gw say (hassseeeekkk) dengan sopan, karena gw liat itu bapak-bapak udah tuir “Maaf Pak, tukang foto kemana ya koq blm buka? soalnya di kupon buka jam 9, tapi jam segini blm buka juga”.
Terus bapak-bapak itu ngejawab pertanyaan gw, lalu bilang “Yaaaaa ga tau Tanya aja!!!!!!”. Dalam hati gw (siaalll, geblegg juga tuh bapak2 masih pagi udah sewott aja)……
Gw bingung setengah bingung, gw kalut setengah kalut, dan gw meronta-ronta, terus gw tanya lagi ke bapak2 itu (soalnya cuma dya yang tempatnya pas d depan gw, dan cuma dya juga tempat gw bertanya karena dari awal gw udah bilang TERAPKSA GW NANYA) Tanya kemana ya pak??” (Tanya gw dengan lembut, dan lemah gemulai, hihihihihihiiiii ‘’’’’’O.O’’’’)
Gw seneng banget akhirnya tu bapak2 jawab pertanyaan gw, dan bapak-bapak itupun berkata “Tanya aja kemana ke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sambil judes gitu)”.
Gw sama Uci kesel banget digituin, gw merasa kesopanan waktu gw nanya baik-baik diabaikan sama itu bapak-bapak, gw juga merasa kalo dya itu udah ga bisa ngehargain gw, gw ga tau harus bilang apa, hati gw udah teriris-iris sambil meringis menahan agar tetesan air mata gw ngga jatuh ke pipi, kesabaran gw habis dan kata-kata dibalas dengan kata-kata. Gw kesel gw celutukin aja tuh bapak2, “biasa ajjaahh dong pa jangan judes2 masih pagi dah sewot, mending kalo cakep ini mah udah item, gendut, pake kacamata, jelek, so oyyee lagi”.

Ga lama kemudian tukang foto dateng. Akhirnya gw sama uci bisa ambil foto.

Waktu menunjukkan pukul setengah 12. Abis berantem sama penjaga loket baak, uci ngajakin gw makan. Karena masih disekitar kampus, gw makan diberanda kampus aja. Capcus lah gw keberanda itu. Gw liat disana ada anak SMP yang lagi pada nongkrong, ada juga mahasiswa yang lagi pada ngerjain paper buat tugas akhirnya. Gw sama uci duduk dan mesen makanan. Sebelum mesen, gw nanya dulu yang ada makanan apa, setelah dikasih tau sama pelayannya, gw sama uci milih roti bakar keju aja terus minumnya kalo gw cappuccino dingin, uci green tea anget.

Ga lama minuman dianter, tinggal makanan. Udah setengah jam lewat gw sama uci nungguin tuh roti bakar yang belum dateng2, gw sama uci mikir dan berhayal, hayalan tingkat tinggi, itu roti lama banget, namanya aja roti bakar keju pasti kejunya ada dimana2,,banyak parutan keju,,ada lelehan keju,,pokonya keju banget dehh, harganya juga lumayan. Udah lamaaaaaa banget nunggu sampe2 cappucinno gw udah larut kebawa arus dari hulu sampe ke hilir (Kebalik gaa yaahhh????), akhirnya tu roti bakar dateng. Gw sama uci seneng banget rotinya udah dateng, ga bisa berkata-kata lagi dan akhirnya jrengjrenggggg. Uuuwwwwhhhhhh aaaaawwwwhhhhh, bisa di deskripsikan, dalam 1 piring ada 2 roti bakar keju yang berbentuk segitiga, dan diberi hiasan susu coklat. Secara kasat mata keliatannya enak bnaget. Dan setelah gw sama uci makan 1 potong roti, ternyata eh ternyata roti yang gw hayalin jauh dari pikiran gw, roti yang gw bayangin meleseeeettt abis, telak banget gw, kaya Singapore lawan Malaysia yang telak 0-3 wsktu piala AFF, u tau ga tu roti, kejunya pada kaburrrr, ga tau kemana kebawa angin kali ya, apa kebawa banjir bandanggg, gw sama uci maen pandang2an, kalo kaya gini sih nyokap gw suka bikin, roti bakar keju itu roti tawar yang di kasih keju sedikiiittt banget terus dilipet segitiga terus dibakar deh ampe kering kerontang kaya musim kemarau, Udah cuma itu doang. Hahh, waktu gw makan tu roti kejunya sama sekali ga berasa, gw ga tau tu koki pake keju takaran se apa, sampe2 gw ga ngerasain gigitan keju yang katanya roti bakar keju…

Pliis deh yah, ikhhh Negara penghasil keju, sama pabrik keju di indonesia masih ada kali belum bangkrut, jangan takut keabisan maasss kokii, sampe2 kejunya diiritin begituuuu…….

well... itu kisah tmen kampus gw Laila Khairani.... ahahaha... untung gw ga pernah mesen roti keju, mungkin tu keju kabur2an wktu pengen di panggang makanya jd lama n cuman ketangkep sedikit jd pas dihidangin kejunya cuman dikit dech...

Clean&Clear Acne Clearing Cleanser

I had no idea where the hell those acne come from. I kinda person who didn’t have acne as much as now, I just have 1 or 2 acne that’s before menstruation. And that’s normal I think. But now I have almost 8 and it’s disturb me a lot. Since then I decided to have acne gel. I ever have acne gel before it’s called “Verile acne gel” but it doesn’t work for me, too bad. So I decided tu buy “acnes spot care” but I can’t find it, I think it’s run out in carefur cempaka mas. Then I walk to the Clean & Clear counter and I found this “Active Clear Speed Clearing Gel”. it cost about Rp. 24.500,-

And because of my hadalabo shirojyun face wash almost run out I decided tu buy “Active Clear Acne Clearing Cleanser” as well, cost about Rp.11.730,-. This facial wash has a same line with the acne gel. So I hope it’s works well together.

So this is how it’s looks like…

So this is my review for the product…

The first thing that I’ve try is the cleanser, the cleanser has a clear jelly liquid form. The First time I use it, I surprise with the cold feelings but I’m not really sure it’s came from this cleanser. So the second time I decided to wash my face a bit longer and leave it about 2 or 3 minutes before rinse off and I feel more cold than the first time. It’s really fresh and deep cleans my face specially on a nose area because my acne is right there and I focus on that. after rinse off, my face feel smooth and fresh it doesn’t dry out my skin face. GOOD…

Repurchase =hemmm… Maybe… I still want to try tamagohada actually. But if I run out of money then I’ll buy this one again xixixi…

For the acne gel, I’m kinda disappointed because it doesn’t really work on me. My acne just shrink a little bit even I have use it overnight. So after 2 days I use it there’s no big different, I decided to use toothpaste for the big one. And… WALLAAA… it works… so my toothpaste has a better effect than the acne gel on my acne. Weird but work’s… and because I can’t use a toothpaste as an acne gel on my face everywhere (people would say that I’m crazy if I do that) so I still use clean&clear acne gel if I go out (ga mw rugi). So the acne gel may work for little acne (just appear acne) but it doesn’t work for my big acne (I use toothpaste).

Repurchase= of course not, after it’s done I think I will try the other brand of acne gel. 

update: now i know how it's works, acne gel ini bikin mateng si jerawat baik kecil maupun yg gede, tp hrus sering2 makenya... biasanya 30 menit sekali gw reapply... dan setelah mateng gw keringin tu jerawat pke acnol... nah klo udin kering, skrg terserah dech mw kelupas krna matanya msh ad di dalem... or mw d biarin ajah... tp biasanya gw klupas n keluarin matanya... emg jd acne scar gtu seh, bkas na lumayan mengganggu... mknya butuh toner yg sifatnya exfoliate sama facial rutin spy tu bekas ilang perlahan2... 

Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Bogor Adventure ( ˘ ะท˘ )♬♪

I almost forget how it’s great to spent my time with my bestfriend coz I just thinking about all that collagen stuff until my best friend leni send this pict...

So that day we going to bogor buat wisata kuliner ceritanya.., jadi dari jauh2 hari udah di searcing apa aja yg pengen di makan and dimana aja tempatnya… misalnya toge goreng dmn? Asinan dmn? Tempat nongkrong dmn??? Dan juga ad rekomendasi dari temen kampuz gw (uci)…

Pas hari H-nya gw sama neya pergi bareng ke kota buat naek kereta ke bogor. dari rumah kita b2 ngangkot 2x, naek 01 ke priuk dan M15 ke kota. Sampe d stasiun kota kt bengong2 nungguin leni yang tak kunjung datang. Setelah nunggu sambil berdiri lalu duduk lalu tidur2an lalu d usir satpam karena membuat kegaduhan akhirnya leni datang jg… haaaahhhh…(" `ะท´)_,/*(x,☉")

Setelah lengkap ber3, kami langsung menuju antrean beli tiket yg udh mulai rame, dan masuk ke gerbong warna pink yg khusus untuk perempuan. As u know d gerbong itu ga da laki2 kecuali ank kecil. Bgus jg seh krn bs meminimalisir pencopetan dan kejahatan seksual. Tapi siapa jg yg mw nyopet gw? Duit kagak ad, d dompet cuman KTP, KTM, kartu perpus nasional, poto waktu SD, kartu nama toko2 hanger dan kartu nama toko souvenir nikahan. Klo ada yg mw macem2 jg bingung, apa yg mw d macem2in?!! [¬_ ¬!!]

Sampe d stasiun bogor bingung mw keluar lewat mana dan akhirnya ngikutin org2 yg juga pengen keluar. The first destination adalah bogor permai dmn ktnya banyak makanan khas bogor dstu… okeh capsuz naek angkot 12 kesana, sampe di bogor permai kami jalan2 ga jelas sambil liatin atu2 tukang jualan yg ada dstu… bingung mw makan apa, karena terlalu banyak pilihan. Sampe akhirnya liat ada 2 hajatan nikahan distu dan berniat untuk jd tamu tak diundang. Luamayan bisa makan gratis, lagian kan tamunya banyak jd ga mkg ketauan jg… hahaha… tapi karena penampilan yg tdk memungkinkan, akhirnya mengurungkan niat untuk jd tamu tak diundang dan jalan kaki balik lagi ke bogor permai. ( •̃͡-̮•̃͡)( •̃͡-̮•̃͡) … hฮญhฮญhฮญhฮญ … ( •̃͡-̮•̃͡)( •̃͡-̮•̃͡)

Sampe di bogor permai lagi, msh bingung mw makan apa? Menimbang2, menunjuk2, melihat2, akhirnya masuk ke tempat makan yg jual toge goreng krn cm tmepat itu yg rada sepi*halowww, kt udh 2x bolak balik tmpat ini*. Dan ternyata toge gorengnya enak, jauh lebih enak dr yg gw suka beli di Jakarta, ada kerupuknya dan rasanya itu…. Enak begete… I falin love instantly… I’m a huge fans of “toge goreng” and this is a great “toge goreng” I ever taste… I wish I have a car so I can bring my parents here… #wishlist

Setelah kenyang makan toge goreng yg ternyata gratis karena dibayarin leni *CobaTwDrAwalJdBsNambah* kami berencana buat ke taman kencana yang katanya jg banyak tempat makan. Dari bogor permai, nyebrang naik 07 turun di RS Salak lanjut naik 03 yg ternyata ga begitu jauh…

Seperti muter2 bengong2 disana bingung jg mw ngapain, mw makan msh kenyang, mw beli oleh2 blon mw pulang. Akhirnya mikir taman kencana dan istana bogor itu ga jauh dan istana bogor ke kebon raya jg ga jauh akhirnya memutuskan buat jalan kaki dr Taman Kencana ke Kebon Raya Bogor *EntahMikirApa*. Dan ternyata, GOD jauh sekali stidaknya kaki gw udh bner2 sakit (⌣́_⌣̀) ‎​ฤฆฯ‹₣₣₣₣ฯ„ฯ„ฯ„ฯ„ ...., untung gw pke sandal jepit doank, ga kebayang klo pke highheel’s or sepatu cewe yg biasa gw pake… mkg tu sepatu udh jebol x yah… tapi karena ngeliat kedua tmen gw ga da yg ngeluh, jd ga da alesan buat gw ngeluh … hahaha… this is what I like from them, mereka ga pernah ngeluh sesulit apapun keadaan kt saat itu… (ใฃ ̄³ ̄)ใฃ ~♡... bs d ajak susah… so beruntunglah pria yg akan menjadi suami mereka kelak… #amin.

Sampe di kebon Raya Bogor kami langsung beli tiket dan masuk buat jalan2 keliling2, foto2 di pohon2 gede, ngeliatin org pacaran dan akhirnya gw bs masuk ke museum Zoologi setelah sekian lama ga kesana. Terakhir kesana waktu smp dan yg gw inget Cuma kucing yg di potong setengah badan dan di kerasin pke aer raksa. Sebagai pecinta kucing, itu yg paling bikin gw merinding…

Setelah puas jalan2 dan udh sore jg akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk pulang, sebelum pulang tentu ajah beli oleh2 dlu. Beli asinan di toko asinan deket kebon raya, sekalian jalan kaki ke tempat ngetem angkot yg ke stasiun. Sampe stasiun ga lsg masuk beli tiket tapi makan bubur dulu buat ngisi perut. Setelah pulang, gw ga inget apa2 gy. Yg gw inget besoknya udh ga bs jln karena kaki gw kram. And I already miss “Toge Goreng”. Ckckckc…(◡‿◡✿)...

Next mungkin kami akan ke Thailand or yg paling deket Jogja lah… dan klo ga da penginapan, nginep di Masjid aja gpp x yah… (^ล^)/ ลฤถฤ‚ลถ......!!!

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Mustika Ratu Mangir Powder (body mask)

I bought this product 2 week ago, it cost about Rp.6000 very cheap and it contain 25gr. Its really Indonesian smell (bau jamu) but I love it. Firts time I use it, I use the whole powder which is 25gr and mix it with plain milk but its too much for my body… hahaha… so the second time I use only half of it (ngirit skalian)…

I use it  after scrubbing my body with ayudya milk bath. apply the mask to all over your body and face (for me) and leave it until it dry… u can also exercise in your bath room to make it dry faster… xixixi… then u can rub slowly till it flakes oft…

what I didn’t like from this product is, it really hard to rinse off. I need a little effort to rinse it, it still leaving a white powder even u already wipe it with your hands. So I use sponge or shower puff to help me rinse it…

Mangir powder make your skin clean and soften the skin plus leaving with fragrant (bau jamu maksdnya)… my skin feel really2 smooth… and if u think this will make u skin brighter, maybe yes if u use it routine once a week(tulisannya begitu)… I see my skin bright gradually… and to maintain your skin health don’t forget the sun block if u want to go out, it really important… ^^

Like: my skin feel smooth and clean, brighten gradually… but I had no idea its brighten by the scrub or the body mask, but I didn’t feel complete if I’m not using it.
Hate: need an effort to rinse it.
Repurchase: maybe, but I really want to try ayudya body mask.

Vienna White Spa Shower Cream (purple)

        I run out my diamond liquid soap recently and try whitening bar soap (katanya paling bagus). This bar soap didn’t make my skin brighter but irritate and dry my skin. Pimple appears in my body, but I use it till it run out (ga mw rugi) xixixi...

So after I using many whitening  soap product, some of them quite expensive (diamond mksdnya) and no significant change of skin tone. So I get my conclusion,  I’m not really believe about the whitening effect from any soap product, what make your skin brighter is scrubbing routine (pastinya)…

          Then I search for another liquid soap that does not make my skin dry but also inexpensive. I remember how much I have to spent for that diamond liquid soap… hooaaaahhh…(jambak rambut)…

And finally I got Vienna shower cream, but I still had no idea which one?!!... so I go to the cosmetics store and find VIENNA WHITE SPA SHOWER CREAM its purple colour…  it cost Rp.16.000 for about 500ml, a lot more cheaper that diamond liquid soap… hahaha… it smells nice, but diamond nicer… this soap does not dry my skin coz its contains moisturizer… my skin didn’t feel rough after rinsing, it’s still feel sleek it’s because the moisturizer effect I think… and it didn’t make my skin dry, it’z nice…

Like: very cheap, contains a lot, doesn’t make my skin dry
Hate: well, I’m not finding something that I hate from this product. Coz its cheap so I didn’t expect many thing… just good moisturizer…
Repurchase: I think I will change it with another variant,.. with the same price and same amount… hahaha…

Sari Ayu Dara Putih Mask

            Someday I go out with my friends, we go to mall Kepala Gading and I find sariayu store (kalo nggak salah). I’m quite a long time didn’t go there anymore, so I’m kinda forget what the store name. xixixi.. actually we looking for BB Cream from caring but then I find “Masker Dara Putih” (ga nyambung yg d cr apa yg d dpt apa?!!)…

          The function of the mask is to tighten and smoothing the skin, to clean and brightening the skin and the last is to reduce acne scars which I’m dying of it. What I love from this product is because I can use it just like peeling scrub… so it’s a peeling and mask as well… it cost Rp. 9.000 and contains 2 sachet which is 3,5gr each. Its smells like jamu (yaeyalah…secara…)

          I mix it with plain milk as usual, I only use a little of the mask powder maybe a half of the sachet because it’s too much if I use the whole one. Then I clean my face with my facial wash, and then apply the mask and massage it just like peeling and then let it dry. After dry it will feel tight, very tight and I just rinse it with cold water (harusnya aer anget, begitu seh tulisan di produknya)…

 After using it My skin feel smooth and clean… it reduce acne scars?!! Well,,, yeaaa,,, gradually… with routine using, u can use it twice a week but I just use it if I want… hahaha… but I love the smooth effect…

Like: make my skin smooth and clean, smells jamu (Indonesia bgt)
Hate: I didn’t find anything yet… hemmm…
Repurchase: yes, coz it has 2 function as a peeling and mask. I just use it if I feel my skin rough especially on my nose.

Plain Milk... MoooOooo....

          I don’t like to drink milk actually coz it’s make me feel sick, but I really2 love mix it with every skincare product such as body mask powder, mask powder, homemade rice scrub or maybe just use it without anything, just milk for mask. I  using plain milk for mask almost every day. And my friend said that my skin brighter and healthier… xixixi… so every time they ask me what I use, I said that I use milk every night… that simple…

          I just bought plain milk in near minimarket, it’s cost only Rp. 3900 if I’m not wrong. It contains 250ml and has no taste at all (tulisannya fresh milk). I love milk so bad, I really believe that it have a lot benefits such as: smoothing, tightening, and brightening the skin. Maybe if I like to drink it, I will have fattening effect in my body (butuh lemak)… hahaha…

          There’s 2 kind of things that u have to know. Skim milk for oily skin and full cream or fresh milk for dry skin… but, I’m not really concern about that since my skin was a normal, I just bought any milk I found at store as long as it’s does not have fruit or vanilla flavors… 

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

awesome mind

          Have u ever heard or know about “dream box”?!! kotak impian seh bhs indonesianya… gw sndri dlu pernah baca, tapi lupa tepatnya buku apa. Entah buku “the secret” or “quantum ikhlas”. 2 buku itu menerangkan ttg kekuatan pikiran dgn cara yang sama tapi berbeda *apaseh mksdnya???*

          Kalo “the secret” tu dgn cara org barat sdngkan “quantum ikhlas” dgn cara islami, begitu kira2 menurut gw… tpi tetep ttg kekuatan pikiran… intinya semua yg kalian pikirin entah positif or negative and you believe it. It will happen, so becareful of your mind…(thinking + believing = real thing) seperti itu kira2…

          Nah, ad salah satu buku yg ngajarin ttg “the dream box” entah buku yg mana yah…  so its about a box that u fill with your wish, msalnya gambar rumah, gambar motor, gambar apa kek yg kalian pengen...  dan keinginan kalian itu akan terwujud someday… enggak tw kpan seh tepatnya, hanya Tuhan yg tw… mkg klo di barengin ma doa n sedekah yg banyak2 bakalan cepet terkabulnya yah,,, *sotoy*

          Knp gw jd ngalor ngidul bgni?!!,,, baiklah, singkat cerita semalem tepatnya gw iseng maenin hape liat2 aplikasinya sebelum tdur… enggak nyangka d hape gw msh ada alpikasi “money lover”, kalo kalian pengguna android bs d dw d play store… nah, seinget gw itu aplikasi udh gw apus gr2 pen ngurangin memory biar bs dw game, tpi trnyata msh ad,,, isenglah liat2 transaksi yg sdh dlu2… di dalam aplikasi money lover itu ad buku kas, tambah transaksi,  manajemen hutang, statistic, alat bantu, dan budget plan… iseng gw bukain atu2, nah di “budget plan” ini gw nemu sesuatu… sesuatu bgt… sekitar bln februari  yg lalu gw nulis rencana nabung untuk beli notebook baru, harganya sekitar 2jt dan gw merencanakan nabung 50rbu perbulannya… *entah sampe kapan tu duit kekumpul yak?!!* Dlm 12bln x 50rbu = 1.2jt… logikanya… jadi setaun ngumpulin duit jg udh pasti blon kebeli tu notebook… tpi kenyataannya gw dpt ini notebook udh dr sekitar 4bln yg lalu yaitu bln september, so itz 6months after I write it in my budget plan… dan gw baru inget skrg karena baru liat aplikasi itu gy setelah sekian lama ga gw update dan  sbnrnya gw ga pernah nabung… entah mkg nabung sekali yg 50rbu ntu dan setelahnya ga pernah gy… tapi itu notebook yg gw pengen jaman dlu skrg udh ada di depan mata… awesome right!!!... tpi kmn duit tabungan gw yg 50rbu ntu??? Entahlah… haghaghag… yg ptg udh ad notebooknya sekarang…

          “the budget plan” is a same thing with “dream box”??? I guess yes… why? Karena 2-2nya sama2 berisi keinginan kt… yg kita pengen dan kt percaya lalu jd kenyataan… hemmm… awalnya gw jg ga percaya sama yg nmanya “dream box” pi kyk na skrg beyond believe it or not dech… HAH!!! Bahasa gw ini ngacak2 ga jelas…

          So now I have “budget plan”, “dream can”(kaleng impian), and “dream box”(kotak impian) *marukz*. The “budget plan” and the “dream can” isinya sama yaitu benda yg gw pengen n butuh… dan “dream box” berisi planning untuk masa depan… hehehe… semoga Tuhan mengabulkan secepatnya yah… entah yg mna yg duluan, Dy tw lebih baik dr yg lain… amiiinnnn…

SO… from now on, make your own “BUDGET PLAN”, “DREAM CAN”, or “DREAM BOX” right away…. see ya… ^^