Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

What is 2012 for me?!!

          2012 is a calm year for me… there’s also sad thing happened but not as sad as when it’s 2010 or 2011… there’s no broke up moment, so I don’t have to cry this year… that’s a good thing… hahaha…

          I kinda a lot posting in my blog than my facebook or twiter… it’s much better way to share what you thinking, while I had no idea if it’s useful or not for anyone who read it… xixixi...

          this year I've been thinking a lot for my self, about everything that's good or bad to me. thinking about anything that I really want for my self, which is what I wanna be?, what kind of man that I really want to share my life? What product that’s great for me what’s not? This year is about me…

          Dari tomboy, cuek, ga jelas… a lot improvement for my self actually… I mean my skin… yg dulunya ga pernah peduli sama yg namanya penampilan, skrg yaaa… sedikit peduli… I use just a little make up, such as BB cream and eyeliner, lip tint is a must if I go out… taon yg dlu2 palingan pake foundation yg lsg kebawa angin klo keringetan, alias ilang… ahahaha… yang tdnya kusem skrg eeehhhmmm ga begitu kusem… akakaka… ga deng… I take care a lot of my skin,,, it’s glowing as it’s supposed to be… I LOVE IT…

          About the style, I’m a fashion designer but I don’t really care about the clothes that I use… wakakak… but now I’m little bit feminine than year’s before. Sebelumnya pake t-shirt gedombrongan, warisan kakak yg semuanya cowo. So ya kaos cowo yg nurun ke gw… celananya jg… and also the shoes, jd dr atas ke bwh gedombrongan… it’s actually not look good on me because my body was very thin, and all that clothes makes me like… eehhhmmm… I can’t imagine now… hahaha… pernah suatu hari nana tmen kampus gw blg, gw kyk Michael Jackson… why? Karena gw pake kaos kaki waktu make sepatu cewe… dan kaos kakinya warna-warni… ahahaha… pada saat itu gw cman mikir ga mw kaki gw belang… I not yet know sun block and benefit of it, but now I use it every time I go out…

          while i use oversized pants years ago, now I have my skinny jeans who fit my leg and looking great with my girls t-shirt... not boy t-shirt anymore(kecuali di rmh)…

          I’m blessed that I’ve surrounded with a great people, great friends… nice friends… thank’s to leni, neya, anoe, lianda, tisa, vira, tya, laila, dinar, lulu, ipuk, eva, dll… It’s my honour to be your friend’s…

          I have such a wonderful parents and brothers, my mom was a supherb(most super) great mom… I learn a lot from her… teach me what should I do, what should not, including about the boy thing… it’s make me more grown up, it’s make me more fast to healing from my last broke up… she’s teach me kalo cowo udah cuek, lepasin ajah… and make me strong to through it… that’s the reason of the last broke up… hehehe…

          So, next year which is 2013… it’s gonna about me… my final exam at university… I really really want to walk out from that university, my brother should not worry anymore because my IPK have reach 3,5 it’s not included “skripsi” so it will be more… I just have to study more about the toefl… I must reach 500 score… so I can get my dream job… if I get a job then it will be for my family improvement, I want to renovate my home… so I can take anyone to my home… xixixi… and the last but not last I’m hoping that I really find someone that meant for me… not just someone pass by… he doesn’t have to be great looking like kyuhyun or changmin or rich man… just someone who really loves me and my family… yg bs nerima kekurangan dan kelebihan… ga minder like those before… I don’t have something yg harus di minderin… anggep aja bonus klo emg ada yg lebih… tapi lebih apanya jg yah… I don’t know… hahaha…

          I hope everything going well next year… more lucky…. More mature… more pretty… more glowing… and more… more a good thing happened… amiend… and also I pray a lot of good thing happened for you who read it as well… 


hopefully u got everything u want next year… ^^,,,

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