Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Ayudya Mandi Susu

Before my body scrub run out, I want to review about this product. This December I’ve use "Ayudya Mandi susu" it cost about Rp. 11.000,- for 300gr. I use it every 3 day’s to substitute my shower cream. it Contains pure milk, olive oil, vitamin C & E, herbal oils and other natural ingredients. It smell like a milk but kinda like a papaya smell as well… I really confused about the smell… I don’t know for sure… hahaha…

so this is how it's look like...
I'm sorry it wasn't my original pict, i forget to take a picture of it... xixixi... but it look like this with a smaller package...

I use it when I got shower. So it’s really just like usual bath, just wet your body and take a little bit of the "Ayudya Mandi Susu" on your palm and start scrubbing to all over your body. scrub until it dry by it self then rinse off. after that u may finish your bath or mask your body with a body mask (i do)...

After use it, my skin feel really smooth and clean. is it moisturized? well I'm not really sure, coz I still have to use my body lotion after all. I've used ayudya a lot, it's been a long time. I like the scrub, its small and doesn't irritate my skin. even if I use it when my skin still dry. and the most important thing is it's cheap, it's really friendly with my student pocket... xixixi...

so next month, which is next year also. I will try Ayudya Avocado+Vit E oil... I just bought it yesterday... it has a same cost and same size... (^^)...

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